
Domeniul de lucru:
• Furtunuri cu diametru interio de pana la DN 32 (11/4”) • Rola/raft contine un dispozitiv reglabil pentru fixarea colacilor de furtun de la 200 to 450 mm, • Capacitate de depozitare pentru fiecare rola/raft - Max. 120 Kg
Date tehnice:
• Dimensiuni in mm:
• Lungime 1200,
• Latime 1260,
• Inaltime 2200,
• Greutate: 100 Kg, fara rafturi
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Domeniul de lucru:
• Furtunuri pentru climatizare de la DI 14mm pina la DI 25,5mm • Deasemenea si puntru armaturile cu coturi de 45° si 90°
Avantaje speciale:
• Capul de presa este patentat • Unitate foarte compacta, ideala si pentru ateliere mobile • Modul de utilizare foarte simplu, actionare pneumohidraulica • Constructie foarte robusta din aliaj de aluminiu cu titan • Echipare standard: 6 seturi de bacuri ind box cu accesorii • Necesaru de alimentare cu aer comprimat;. Min 7 bari; actionarea ventilului manuala
Date tehnice:
- Dimensiuni mm: 330 x 160 x 425
- Greutate: 14 Kg.
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Avantaje speciale:
-Presa compactă, portabilă,
-Usor de utilizat, actionata cu pompa manuala,
-Tehnologie robustă (materialul corpului: aliaj aluminiu-titan),
-Forță de sertizare 2,3t,
-Include 6 seturi de bacuri,
-Se livreaza in cutie speciala,
-Include instrument de schimbare a bacurilor
Domeniul de lucru:
• Furtunuri pentru climatizare de la DI 14mm pina la DI 25,5mm • Deasemenea si puntru armaturile cu coturi de 45° si 90°
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Avantajele speciale:
• Compactă și rezistenta • Ușor de reglat • Întreținere redusă, doar curățare • Resetare manuală • Disponibil și pentru furtunuri de până la 70 mm.
Domeniul de lucru:
• Miin Ø 6 mm - max. Ø 70 mm (MZ.320-SL)min Ø 15 mm - max. Ø 125 mm (MZ.125-SL) • Toleranta: ± 2% • Viteza de tragere: max. 60.0 m / min
Date tehnice: Dimensiuni in mm: 300 x 210 x 140 Greutate: 5.5 Kg
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Domeniul de lucru:
• Toata gama de furtunuri si armaturi hidraulice de la DN 06 (1/4”) pana la DN 50 (2”) • Armaturi drepte, la 45° si 90° • Configuratie standard, usor de folosit
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Special advantages:
• Compact design • Easy to use • Robust and precise • Also usable for thermoplastic hoses • Tolerances in OD are covered by a spring
Domeniul de lucru:
• All rubber and thermoplastic hoses, which are used in Gas applications • min ∅11,5 – max ∅50 (PR-145.3) • min ∅11,5 – max ∅85 (PR-185.3)
Technical data: Dimensions in mm: width 195, depth 275, height 180 Weight: 10 KG
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Operating Range:
• All hydraulic hoses, which are used in Gas applications • min ∅11,5
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Special Advantages: Compact and mobile hose coiling unit One person operation possible Coiling plate is tilting adjustable from 0° to 90° Hose guides infinitely adjustable (200 - 500 mm) Fast clamping system on the hose coiler Foot switch with speed control, for precise coiling Brake wheels, for stabile working
Range of application: Hoses up to DN 50 (2”)* Max. OD of coil diameter: 1000mm Max. load capacity 150 KG * According to the hose type
Technical data: Dimensions in mm: width 1200, depth 1200, height 900 Electric supply: 230V, 50Hz, 1Ph, 0.37kw Coiling speed: from 0 to max. 36 rpm Weight: 70 KG
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Special advantages: Compact hose coiling, measuring and cutting unit One person operation possible Foot switch with speed control, for precise coiling Fast clamping system on the hose coiler Flexible possibilities for uncoiling Length tolerance: +/- 2% Brake wheels, for stabile working Cutting machine SM 210-SL included Incl. spark arrester and suction unit Optional foil dispenser Tilting models available
Range of application: Hose DN 06 (1/4”) up to DN 20 (3/4”) Hose coil diameter max. 1000mm Max. load capacity 120 KG / hose roll
Technical data: Dimensions in mm: width 2500, depth 800, height 1400 Electric supply: 230V, 50Hz, 1Ph, 0.37kw Speed: from 0 to max. 36 rpm Weight: 115 KG
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Operating Range:
• Maximum load capacity 150kg. • Hose reel width Max. 560 mm • Hose reel diameter 250 mm min. Up to 1200 mm (for 1200 mm reels, you will need 2 uncoil units) • Roller diameter 80mm
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Working range:
• Max. 25 KG each holder • Max. capacity 250 KG
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Working range:
• Hoses up to DN50 (2”)* • Max. capacity 350 KG
* According to the hose type
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Special advantages: Very stable undertable, for cutting machines Due to the bolted design, the complete table can be shipped in single parts (low cost transportation) Easy assembling
Range of application: UBT 210-275 for TONE cutting machines SM210-SL or SM275-SL UBT 350-400 for TONE cutting machines SM350-SL or SM400-SL
Technical data: Capacity: 160 kg Dimensions in mm: UBT 210-275 width 420, depth 380, height 685 UBT 350-400 width 500, depth 600, height 685 Weight UBT 210-275: 13 kg Weight UBT 350-400: 16 kg
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